Three thumbs all the way Up!
Amazing app and I love the new icon!
Just to clear things up for some, the icon is designed to look like Safari so the theif will mistaken it as a web browser and open it if they are stupid enough. (Which most likely they are since they dont have their own iPhone, otherwise they wouldnt be stealing someone elses.)
One suggestion though,
As thedoc2k says, "Personally speaking I would not click on a red icon with a fingerprint called Trak if I stole a iPhone. Maybe calling it banking or something more appealing to thiefs would work better..."
Maybe it should be renamed Web or something.
Or even better, change the icon to a picture of a safe or a vault and name it iSafe or iVault or iBanking, iCreditCard, etc.
Cheesy, yes, but effective, definitely. (-:
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